Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about the MCRC. If you have a question or need more information, please use the Contact Us section of this site and we will be pleased to provide any information we can.

  1. Are Reading Clinician services only available through schools?
    No. Reading Clinicians may be available to you and your child within the school system. Contact your child’s school or your school division for more information. However, many Reading Clinicians maintain a private practice. You can access the private practice list here.
  2. Do Reading Clinicians only look at reading?
    Absolutely not! We have expertise in many areas of literacy and learning. This includes, but is not limited to, learning aptitudes, language, writing and spelling, study skills and math.
  3. What makes a Reading Clinician unique?
    Our certification and training help us develop an in-depth understanding of reading and learning processes. We are experts in developing the appropriate intervention at the appropriate time. Our positions also require that we keep current in literacy research and best instructional practices.
  4. I am a teacher interested in a career as a Reading Clinician. How do I become one?
    A career as a Reading Clinician is challenging, rewarding and stimulating. All Reading Clinicians must be certified teachers with a minimum of two years classroom teaching experience. Permanent certification requires a Masters degree in Education, with additional courses in clinical reading, literacy and learning, and two years supervised practice. For more information, please refer to the Careers section of this website.